From one winter to the next, heating accounts for a large proportion of your energy bill – usually more than half. At Climatisation B.S., our team of experts is happy to share with you these 6 practical tips to help reduce your heating costs this winter, without sacrificing your comfort!

1.Lower the thermostat

If you’re comfortable in your underwear and barefoot in your home in the middle of January, your heating is clearly too high. Turn down the thermostat, wear slippers, put on a long-sleeved sweater… and the savings are yours! Still not convinced? Consider that simply reducing the room temperature by 2 degrees can save you up to 20% of your heating bill!

2.Choose programmable thermostats

If necessary, swap your old thermostats for programmable electronic thermostats. Thanks to them, you cut your heating costs by several dollars each month since the temperature is automatically reduced as soon as you are away for work or when you sleep.

3.Make the sun your ally

By opening blinds and curtains as often as possible during the day, you let the sun’s rays naturally warm rooms without costing you a penny. As a free and renewable source of heat, nothing is more efficient than the sun!

4.Improve the insulation of your home

Cracks, holes and crevices can let in icy air currents literally exploding your energy bill. Therefore, go hunting for drafts in the fall. For our tips on insulating your home, see our blog on this topic..

5.Facilitate the circulation of hot air

To avoid having to turn up the heat unnecessarily due to poor air circulation, make sure that you do not place furniture or objects in front of electric baseboard heaters or hot air outlets. Also, if you have ceiling fans, turn them on low speed clockwise to direct the heat downward.

6.Use the water heater sparingly

According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Natural Ressources Canada, water heating accounts for between 17% and 25% of the energy consumed in Canadian households. Using less hot water is therefore another interesting way to reduce heating costs. To reduce your consumption, you can in particular :

  • Take ten minutes showers maximum;
  • Install a specially designed water saving shower head and faucets;
  • Do your laundry in cold water.

At Climatisation B.S., we specialize in the sale, installation and maintenance of heating in Montreal, Laval and on the North Shore. To learn more about our different products and services, contact us.