
Heating and air conditioning companies have to continuously explain things that need to be known about the operation of a customer’s air conditioning or even heat pump units in air conditioning operation. An appliance properly sized for the needs of a residence will operate continuously when the outside temperature is 30 degrees Celsius or more. People call the heating and air conditioning companies to check why his appliance is running continuously and that his neighbor’s is running sporadically sometimes one minute (1) minute out of two (2) or only half the time. The MAIN function of the air conditioning unit is to lower the humidity level in the home first and lower the temperature second. In modern times, professional companies no longer sell air conditioning or heating but rather comfort which has become the priority. The MAIN function of the air conditioning unit is to lower the humidity level in the home first and lower the temperature second. In modern times, professional companies no longer sell air conditioning or heating but rather comfort which has become the priority. If you’re comfortable in your home and don’t feel like you’re in a grocery store shivering, you probably have the right device. Nothing is more uncomfortable than high humidity and too low a temperature. As a result, even new-generation programmable thermostats (and these are computers) operate by keeping the notion of comfort in mind, which is why, in a dual-energy application when replacing for a new device than the second stage ( called backup heater) comes on more often for short periods of time to avoid the 3-4 degree discomfort position that older thermostats tolerated. As a result, several people communicate with the service department to find out why their new device activates the second stage (back-up) more often than the old device. This occurs because of the greater precision of electronic thermostats and the notion of comfort which is involved. There was a zone of discomfort between stages with the old thermostats sometimes four (4) degrees Fahrenheit before the back-up system was activated. Our skin is an excellent barometer and responds to a 1.5 degree change so we are able to recognize this area of ​​discomfort, some people we have to say, can get used to it. Another condition that must be discussed, it is wrong to think that adding even a very efficient heat pump will solve all the problems of a residence. If a person has a particular problem in a room of this residence or even a room that is colder than the others, and has always done so, adding a heat pump will not solve this problem. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ask their installer to find the cause often adding a new air supply can solve this problem which must be discussed before the transaction is completed.  A heat pump (air / air) as most installations work by extracting heat from the air, there is always heat contained in the air up to absolute zero (0) which is -273 degrees Celsius. When the outside temperature drops the heat at the heat pump outlet also drops, so the colder it is outside the need for more additional heat will be necessary and this is normal. The devices with double tariff (DT) for the Hydro Quebec standard must stop at -12 degree Celsius and the auxiliary heating becomes the primary source of the heating until the sensor (probe) closes again outside because the temperature will be above the set point allowing the heat pump to re-engage. Lastly, a relevant information, a heat pump must always be sized according to the air conditioning needs, installing a more powerful heat pump to save more on heating cost is a very bad decision which will result in the unit not functioning sufficiently to remove the humidity of the residence in summer and will be a cause of discomfort. Dear consumer, be careful the lowest bid is not always the best investment, be sure to deal with a certified expert with employees holding skills cards and accredited by the CCQ (Commission de la construction du Québec).